Saturday, October 21, 2017

I am Addicted to Collage Art

I am having so much fun cutting and pasting magazines and some of my pre-loved well read books and turning them into something colourful and arty.
Sharing just a few details and pieces today.

Thanks for dropping by.
Lisa x

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Circle Journal swap x 2

Back today- yep its been a while -sharing the final 2 pieces completed for the Scrapping Clearly circle journal swap- a handmade paper bag album.
I love creating for others and I try very hard to put a little art and soul into every piece that crosses my desk . Each journal was a different theme and these 2 were perfect to finish on, as they are particularly awesome themes, with so many options to choose from its just to hard to decide on one.
Nirvana won.

 Your Fave Artist
 My choice was Del Kathryn Barton

Big love to those who actually drop by this blog 
on the off chance something new has been uploaded xx

Friday, August 11, 2017

ITAC 2017

A world of creative fun is coming your way..
 follow the link
 I am excited ....
One day to go.

Lisa x

Friday, July 7, 2017

Inspired By Dina

Just sharing a few pieces inspired by the Amazing Dina Wakley

Thanks for dropping by

Friday, June 30, 2017

Inspired by Rae Missigman

If you haven't visited her blog....watched her YOU TUBE channel 
go here... then come back and visit me ..
but seriously , when you just need some flow and colour and  fun in your art.
Rae is the perfect inspiration point .
This is how she inspired my work.

I created these pages with this Vicki Boutin Junk Journal .
I love the flexibility of removing and playing with the pages,
 I felt like I got to create in double time  ..

Thanks for dropping by.x

Friday, June 16, 2017


I'm feeling a little blessed atm .
Ok Hugely blessed by the arty cosmos .
When one of your Muses asks you to join in on something creative and fun,
one has so many reasons to say yes ..
YES.. I'm down with the challenge ..
ok I'm being elusive , but I'm still in that disbelief stage of the process.
Dina ,you know who I'm talking about,asked me....yep me :) :) to join the Tribe and take up the challenge to create an  Art Journal piece with the theme " Why do you Art Journal ?"
This is a challenge for all Art Journalist out there, who use Ranger and Dina Wakley media products, ,so jump in at anytime and share your stuff
with the hashtag 

Challenge Rules

  • We will announce monthly challenges on the Ranger blog on the third Thursday of each month.
  • Use at least one Dina Wakley Media product in your project. If your product is not obvious (like paint), please list the colors you used.
  • You can make anything you like—a card, an art journal page, a tag, a canvas, anything!
  • Interpret each challenge any way you like. You can be literal or you can use it as a springboard and see where it takes you. Let the challenge inspire you and stretch you.
  • Try to journal on your piece. Write your thoughts about each prompt. You can write a little or you can write a lot, but do your best to incorporate your thoughts and feelings into the piece.
  • When you complete a challenge, please share it on your blog and social media (Instagram/Facebook) with the tags #showusyourMEdia and #rangerink.
  • We will do two random drawings each month for a prize. We will search the hashtag #showusyourMEdia on Instagram for one winner, and then on Facebook for the second winner. To be clear, you must use the hashtag #showusyourMEdia on either Instagram or Facebook in order to show up in the search and to be eligible to win. Please note social media accounts must be set to public in order for us to view your post. You have until the third Wednesday of each month to complete the previous month’s challenge.
  • We will announce the previous month’s winner AND the new challenge on the third Thursday of each month. 
  • Here is where I started

    Using up strips of geli plate left overs made with rad Ranger
     DWM Acrylic paint and added a little Gesso
    then a little stamping with a DWM Stamp and the addition of my woman mandala and the
    feather scraps from a geli plate print .
    And the layering begins

     Crappy lighting this morning and my dodgy phone photos ain't the best , but you get the idea .

     Id love to see and read WHY you Art Journal ?
    don't forget to hashtag
    So we can check out your pieces !!
    Looks like I may be blogging hard again. I'm super inspired by so many arty folk out there in this big beautiful creative world . I Love sharing the creative vibe .
    Peace and Art Flow to you All

    Lisa xx

    Thursday, June 15, 2017

    A Canvas in Progress.

    Those days when you just want to play with paint and shape.
    This is how my fun starts.

    Sending some colourful arty love your way, Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    Lisa xx

    A few Arty Journal pieces

    Sharing a few art Journal Pieces from the last few months ..
     I've been a very slack Blogger .
    Doing a little catch up today,in the last days of my 2 week creative working holiday .
    I've been to lovely Victor Harbour in South Australia for 5 days , back home and then up to the Hunter Valley here in NSW for another 5 days of creative fun, with some of my creative besties . 
    Check my Instagram feed for all the fun.

    A little watercolour fun after work.
    I love these Prima Watercolour sets, this one is Tropical.

    After a rough in with watercolour , out comes the acrylics and a little stencil rub back

    A class project from a few months ago, lots of lovely colourful heart layering onto black pages..
    Love the effect .

    Thanks for Dropping By..
    I'll be back , sooner than you know it .