Maz came a visiting and it was such a fun filled weekend...
oh except for the dinner fiasco on the friday night
,which had us running all over the central coast trying to find each other...
major miscommunication issue ,
but finally at 9 we all met up and had a quick meal and a few drinks....
always fab to catch up with scrapgoddess,scrappermaz,jamier,crazymumand webgod.
or for non scrappers that leanne ,maz,jay,lucy and pammy .x

and lets not forget Me

with such a short period of time available...we basically didnt stop scrapping
or moving in some sense all weekend...
i think Maz may have needed a holiday to get over our weekend..
trips to newcastle for a skate event for PC
back and forth to do an evening pick up...
a photo shoot with maz at catho ,lots more scrapping...and a photo gig with lusia and chris on the sun.....massive weekend ,oh and we did actually scrap where r those layout

a massive shout out for Maz ... for making to effort to come a visiting,
sharing my kids bedroom,
being second camera for the sunday shoot,
putting up with barely staying still for more that an hour
and sharing my scraptable (as messy as it is )