Sunday, January 5, 2014

Gauche Alchemy

Its a New Year and with fresh beginnings,with it ,comes a new place for me to call home .
Is ecstatic to announce I am joining the amazing alchemists over at Gauche Alchemy .
I'm look forward to a fun year of pushing myself into different places artistically ,and feeding on the mass of incredible ideas floating around the shared creative universe ..
so folks , lets make some serious arty magic this 2014


  1. WooHoo!!!
    So brilliant to have you on the team, another excuse to make sure I connect with you irl this year :-D

  2. Just the place for you, they have such cool stuff! Congrats!

  3. look forward to creating some gauchey magic this year with you as well!!!

  4. How cool is this Lisa! It's about time everyone realised how awesome you are, congratulations lovely


thanks ever so much for taking the time to share some love thru your words ..xx witchy