Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Painting Fairy Doors in Trees

    A few months ago I was peeking thru Instagram and come across an image of trees that,
had the knots painted as fairy doors.
 I cant seem to find the image now ...damn it, but i did spy these on google images.

Soooooooo gorgeous Ruby came to visit last week(internal yippeeee), 
who else but a creative spirit to go and paint Fairy Doors in trees with?
A quick walk down to the lake, with a few paints and a few Poscas
,scouring the trees to find the perfect Knots
(we found this paperbark perfect)
to leave a little magic for those that care to look .

I love Rubys' paperbark paint palette
 note to self : take more fine nip Poscas for detail work .. 
and maybe a little varnish for longevity.

Go on,go create a little magic in your backyard.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Painting Canvases

I have been playing with Inks and Stencils and Acrylics .
 Inspiration and an upcoming Auction are always enough to motivate onself to finish the task asap.
So finally these pieces are ready , Yay .
 This one below is a donation piece for the upcoming 'Camp Mojo' retreat.
Inspired by this piece on instagram created by 
 This heart piece 
measures 1220 mm x 610 mm
email me at scrapwitch3@gmail.com if your interested